What is a “BOT”? – A Very Interesting Question

However, do we know the answer? More importantly, dowe understand how it canand will affect every one of us?

So, today we want to introduce these things called “Bots.”


Bots are also known as spiders, crawlers, chat bots and web bots. You’ve certainly heard about bots a lot lately. Bots on the internet are not a new concept. Search engines like Google use bots extensively for analyzing content and indexing the web. A bot is an application that performs an automated task such as setting an alarm, telling you the weather or searching online.

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The definition of a bot is “a computer program that performs automatic and repetitive tasks. Bots are software which is becoming easier to implement too. They can serve a variety of purposes that can make our lives easier and replace apps. Bots can help us to order food, shop for clothes and save money.

Bots may be utilized to perform repetitive jobs, such as indexing a search engine. Some bots are programmed to act like humans when you talk to them. It feels like you are asking a person for help instead of just typing a question into a search engine. BOTS canalsobe used to perform dynamic interactions with websites. It does automatic interaction using instant messaging, instant relay chat, or an assortment of other web interfaces.

Bots often come in the form of malware. Malware bots are used to gain total control over computers. Usually, they are used to infect a large number of computers. These computers form a “botnet,” or a bot network. Malicious bots are defined as self-propagating malware that infects its host and connects back to a central server. Malware bots can gather passwords or be used to collect financial information. Although there are bots used maliciously, most are used by successful companies.


Here are few examples of how a few ofthe brand-name companies are using Bots

With the Wall Street Journal bot, users can get live stock quotes by typing “$” followed by the ticker symbol. They can also deliver the top headlines to them inside of messenger.

HP created a bot for messenger which enables users to print photos, documents, and files from platforms such as Facebook or Messenger to any connected HP printer.

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Facebook has its own bot for Messenger, known as a Personal Assistant Bot. Plus, there are many vendors who offer add-on products to help you work with bots on Facebook.

Bots are part of the world of Digital Marketing and could be another tool you can add to your toolbox to help you get more leads and increase your sales.


MetaSense Marketing is here to help you make it happen.


Please take a moment and click on this link to arrange some time for us to learn more about your needs and how digital marketing might help you and your organization.


Manny Nowak
Chief Happiness Offcer
MetaSense Marketing
856 873 9950 x130

In the coming weeks, we will talk more about how Bots can help you and your organization.

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