ADA Compliance for Businesses

The Complete ADA Compliance Checklist

ADA Compliance

MetaSense Marketing Can Help Make Your Websites ADA Compliant, ADA Compliant Website

Your website is your lifeblood. There are continual changes in both security and compliance that can impact your business. You must stay up to date with everything to avoid breaches or litigation. ADA Accessibility of your website is extremely important, and MetaSense Marketing can help you now.

Let the experts at MetaSense Marketing help you avoid a Lawsuit!

We can help you maximize the value of your Google AD Grants

    In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was developed. Title III of the ADA states that allplaces of public accommodation are required by law to remove any access barriers that would inhibit a person with disabilities from accessing the business’ goods or services.A recent ruling has been passed declaring the official standard of website accessibility for businesses. Did you know that removing “access barriers” that would inhibit a person with disabilities from accessing the business’ goods or services includes your website?

    How to Get Started

    Do you Need to Make Your Website ADA Compliant? (866) 875-META (6382)
    If you want to avoid lawsuits and gain more customers, MetaSense Marketing is the ADA Website Compliance EXPERT!

    Every business with a website must make their website ADA Compliant in order to protect themselves from litigation. However, there are many benefits to making your website ADA Compliant.Customers are the lifeblood of all business. Every customer that has access to your site, will benefit your company.When MetaSense Marketing makes your site ADA Compliant, it increases your SEO standing. Simply put, you appear to more users and you are listed higher in the search and/or there are more ways to easily access your site.

    Let the experts at MetaSense Marketing help you reach every prospective customer!

    According to the CDC, there are 61 million Americans with disabilities that affect their everyday lives. CDC. Gov Statistics. If you are not reaching those potential customers, you are missing out. Plus, you want to be sure that your company shows that those with disabilities are valued.  Chances are that your competition may not know about ADA Compliance yet. When MetaSense Marketing makes your  website accessible it will give your company the edge.When your website is ADA Compliant, you not only protect your company from bad reviews from those who are unable to access the site, you can design a marketing campaign around the fact that your company cares and welcomes business from the 61 million Americans with disabilities.

    If you interested in protecting your business from lawsuits and increasing your customer base bymaking your website ADA Compliant, then we should talk!

    For more information and to schedule an appointment, CLICK HERE.

    Have a question? Feel free to give us a call today at (866) 875-META (6382)
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