Search Engine Optimization for Beginners (Part 2)

Search Engine Optimization for Beginners (Part 2)

In our last post, we discussed creating a website for your business and diving into the world of Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing is like baking a cake because of all its layers and ingredients. Here we finish the lesson of baking that cake with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Web Design! Keep the following in mind when you are working with online marketing companies to create your website.

The Right Ingredients

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Know Your Goals
While this may seem obvious to you, it is not always obvious to your customers. To continue the baking metaphor, there’s a big difference between whipping up a cake for your family to enjoy and creating an impressive, multi-tiered wedding cake with elaborate decorations. Both have their place. But they serve very different purposes. While designing your pages…

Take a Moment to Think


1. What are your goals for when a customer clicks on this page?
2. What defines conversion for you? What metric would be acceptable? What would be stellar?
3. If you have products for sale on your site, is the first impression of them a positive one? Can customers tell exactly what you are selling?
4. How will you keep in contact with your clients after they leave the site?

These are some of the questions that can help you design a website that fully utilizes SEO.

Don’t Forget Social Media!

Link your Social Media to your Website
Everyone has Social Media accounts nowadays. So, make sure to optimize your website to connect to them! Nothing is more powerful than Digital Marketing in this sense; for example, Twitter has 330 Million active users. 15-20% of marketers have generated loyal customers via Twitter. While this may not seem like a large number, it’s exponentially higher than not doing Social Media Marketing at all.

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So, open social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and post regularly on your page. The only investment is time. But you can feature products, create educational pieces that help your customers and, most importantly, give you the chance to directly interact with your customers. You create brand awareness and loyalty. And these loyal customers can be the key to your future success. They can let you know what works and what doesn’t. They can tell you how they feel about your content and submit amazing testimonials.
And linking these Social Media Accounts to your Website will help with SEO.

Optimize for Mobile

One of the most important ingredients in your website is a responsive web design, or one that is optimized for mobile. Most consumers utilize some type of mobile device to browse online, and if your website is too difficult to navigate from a small screen, people will simply leave. Prevent this from happening and increase conversion by implementing adaptive web design. A baker doesn’t use only a nine-inch pan. The baker will use varied shapes and sizes for cupcakes, sheet cakes and specialty cakes depending on the customer’s preference.

All in all, a good Digital Marketing “cake” won’t be complete without all these important yet different ingredients. Skipping any one of these basic ingredients will prevent you from fully maximizing the potential of your website and Search Engine Optimization. Remember, increased search engine visibility is the goal!

Need help getting some sweet results? Contact one of our professionals today.

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At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.

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