Email Marketing and the Elusive Return on Investment (ROI)

Email Marketing and the Elusive Return on Investment (ROI)

Email Marketing feels like it has been around a long time. If you invest in Email Marketing, you need to show a solid Return on Investment (ROI.) Rest assured, Email Marketing still proves to generate one of the highest ROIs of any Digital Marketing Strategy. What specific strategies do you need to employ to gain that solid ROI and email marketing success?

Specific Strategies

The List
You need to build a great list. Start with your current customers, then add in any business cards you collect and members of associations you belong to. Move from there. By building your list internally at first, you will gain the people who will want to read your emails and then your list will grow organically. You can also grow your list with purchased lists. Knowing your target customers is important when investing in an existing email list.
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The Platform
Next you need a platform to send the emails. Using services like, Constant Contact, SendInBlue, GetResponse, MailChimp, ConvertKit, Keap, ReachMail, etc. will provide an easy-to-use design tool, making the emails themselves mobile friendly. The services also make list organization and targeting a snap, enhance security, and give you the all-important reports for each email campaign. They offer the benefits of a customer and prospect marketing management system.
The Goal
Now comes setting your goals and unleashing creativity! What is this email campaign’s focus? Who is the intended audience? What is the desired outcome? Ask these questions and carefully consider the answers. Do not just send out an email. Always have a strategy with clearly defined goals. We call this “Developing a Structured Email Campaign.” Creativity goes a long way in achieving your goals.
The Subject Line
This is what makes recipients open your email. It needs to be clear. It needs to be powerful and reflect the message of your email. Keep it short, simple and relevant. Some tips include asking a question, making it time-sensitive or using the recipients name in the subject line.
The Timing
Know your audience. Will an email be opened the day before a holiday if most of their offices are closed? Will it be opened because there is a sale on that holiday? Does the email have time sensitive offers? When do your customers read their emails? Organize and plan your email to go out at the best possible time for the people on your list.
The Schedule
Make a schedule for regular emails to not overwhelm or underwhelm your audience. Too many emails can be just as ineffective than not enough. Consistency is key. But spam is bad. Developing a Structured Email Campaign with clearly outlined goals will keep everything consistent.
The Testing
It may take a couple email blasts to get the right formula for your subject line, content and timing. Try a couple different subject lines for one email campaign and then measure your open rates, click-through rate and opt out rates. Monitor all feedback and make adjustments accordingly.
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The Measurement
It can be exciting to watch as your email blast is launched. The open rate, bounce rate, spam rate, etc. This is where your ROI is most easily analyzed and is a strong tool for your next campaign. Spend time in those reports. Use this information to help develop your next Email Campaign.

Email Marketing is still one of the most effective channels for building brand awareness, increasing your customer base and maintaining retention across demographics and devices. As you may understand, this cannot be the ONLY marketing tool in the shed.

It Takes a Village

Digital Marketing takes a village to get the word out. And that village is continually changing. We need to be constantly looking at our client base and audience. What worked 5 years ago, may not work today. What worked 30 years ago looks completely different to the marketing of today.

Three-quarters of companies agree that email offers “excellent” to “good” ROI. (Econsultancy) Email use worldwide will top 3 billion users by 2020. (The Radicati Group)

As we approach 2020, here are a couple of trends.

  • Impact – Your email must grab attention immediately.
  • Integration – It must connect to your social media and blog postings. This is needed to gain that further measurement and proven ROI across your platforms.
  • Mobile Optimization – Go mobile or go home! We carry our computers around in our hands. If it can’t be read easily on a mobile device, 42 percent of the people receiving could delete immediately.

Like it or not, we rely on emails for daily communication, deals, promotions and success in business. We need to harness the power of this marketing platform as we move to a new year and beyond.

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