How Long Does It Take for SEO To Become Effective?

How Long Does It Take for SEO To Become Effective?

That is a great question that I am asked all the time.

How long until I see some results?
How long until I get a ROI?
How long until I see something happening?
How long until I get some money back.

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I consistently hear that question and it is a very critical question you need to answer on your way to using SEO.
If anyone tells you that SEO will get you your money back right away, they are telling you a story in order to close the deal.
If you need very quick results, then you need to look at PPC. But that is a subject for another day.

With pure SEO, it is going to take 2-3 months for anything to start happening.
This is because there is nothing happening for you today.
You do not have the links.
You do not have the traffic.
You are not coming up in the search.
People don’t know who you are.
First your SEO provider must get you some visibility.
So, you can count on 3-6 months before you start seeing some real action in your SEO program. And the Return on Investment can be considerable.
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If you are looking to spend $1000 a month on SEO.
Then plan on spending $6000 before it really starts to click.
It is an investment.
It is not going to happen overnight.
If you look at print advertising you hear people say, “I ran an ad and I got nothing.”
But the answer is always; “you have to be in the publication consistently over a period of time so people will take notice.”
That is why they always sell you multiple ads.
People don’t see you the first time, maybe not even the second, or third.
But stay in and people will start to notice and will take action.
In SEO youmust get to the first page, and it doesn’t happen overnight.
So if you are looking at SEO, which I highly recommend, look at some of the other articles we have written.
Truly consider SEO.
Once you get to the top using SEO, staying there is so much easier and so much more consistent.
So, are you ready to look at SEO as a solution to building your business?
What is next?
Are you ready to learn more?
Connect with me.
At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build their visibility through an SEO program that makes it easier for people to do more business with them.

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