10 Reasons Why You Should Use SEO To Build Your Business

How to use SEO to generate more business.

Are you using SEO?
If not, are you sure it is not something you should explore?
Are you looking at the right Digital Marketing vendors?
Have you had some bad experiences in the past that resulted in you not getting the results you had expected?
Today, I am going to share 10 reasons with you as to why you should be using SEO in your marketing mix.

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1. If you don’t come up in a search on my phone – then you don’t exist.
Plain and simple, isn’t it.
If you don’t come up on my phone when I search, then you don’t exist.
There is a whole generation that is using their phones for finding people, resources and solutions. SEO will put you in front of them.


2. If you don’t come up on my computer when I search – same thing.
I am looking for someone who does what you do.
I have a problem.
I need an answer.
Now face it, how many pages do you think people are going to look through to find an answer.
How many pages do you go through?
If you are not using SEO, where will you come up in searches?


3. Your competition is on page one, because they use SEO.
Can’t put it any simpler.Your competition is there, and you are not.
Especially if you are in a very competitive industry that requires quick response.
In the past, if I call a plumber and no one answers – I moved on.
If you are not on page one and your competition is – I select them.
If your completion is visible and you are not – I select them.
You don’t just need to be there, you need to be ahead of them.
Without using SEO effectively you will not be there.


4. Because your customers are there, they use SEO.
Let’s face it, the people that need what you sell, look for the answers online.
People do not go to the yellow pages anymore.
They may ask a friend. But, unless a friend had a great experience, they may not give them a referral. Without SEO, you could be 5, 10, 20 or even 100 pages or more down the list.


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5. Your Website is an asset and SEO gets it visibility.
Your website is a tool that you need to use to build your business.
If people can’t find you, you are wasting your time even having a webpage.
SEO is an effect ways to spend your marketing dollars to get a positive return and get people to find you.


6. Because you want to grow your business.
If you want to grow your business in the online world today you need SEO.
If you want to grow, you must be found.


7. It is very cost effective.
If you are going to spend $1000, $3000, $5000 or more a month on SEO, how many leads do you really need?
If your business sells high-ticket items, then 1-2 closed deals every month might be all you need to justify the expense.
If you margin is small, then you might need more deals.
Cost justification can easily be proven with SEO.


8. SEO feeds your Email Marketing process by building your list.
Your email list is an asset.
If you haven’t figured that out yet, please let us help you.
By having a website people find with SEO, they will be able to sign up for your list and you are building your marketing asset. These are more names you can market to.


9. Because SEO is an effective way to use your marketing dollars.
Look at how much you are spending on marketing and all the methods.
What is it producing?


10. Because you can measure your results very effectively with SEO.
You know very simply if it is working or not.


What is next?
Are you ready to learn more?
Connect with me.
At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build their visibility through an SEO program that makes it easier for people to do more business with them.

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Designing, building and implementing an award winning email-marketing programs.
Contact me directly at 856 873 9950 x 130
Or via email at: Manny@MetaSenseMarketing.com
Check out our web page, get on our list, and learn more about digital marketing and how MetaSense Marketing can help.


MetaSense Marketing Management Inc.
866-875-META (6382)

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