Email Marketing – Your Subject Line Drives Your Open Rate

Email Marketing – Your Subject Line Drives Your Open Rate

Plain and simple, if your subject line doesn’t hook me, I will never open the email.
I had to think about that one as I wrote this email marketing piece.

How to get you to open it was the question?

Well if you are here, then you opened it and my email marketing process is off and running.
I would like to share 7 tips today on how to write effective and powerful email subject lines that get your customers to open your emails.

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1. Urgency
Let them know that they need to open the email now.
That it will not be relevant later.
That time is running out.
This email marketing piece subject could have also been:
If You Need to Get Your Email Opened More – Read This Now!
2. Personalization of your email marketing.
Put their name in the subject line.
Put something about them in the subject line.
Joe, 7 Tips on How to Get Your Email Marketing Pieces Opened.
3. Use numbers
10 Best Ways to…
50 Keys to
5 Quick tips
Lists work well – give them a number.
4. Ask a relevant question
What is your audience concerned with?
Are your sales down?
Do you need a new car?
Is it time for a vacation?
This email marketing piece could have had the subject:
Are Your Email Marketing Pieces Not Getting Opened?
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5. A/B test your subject lines
This is one thing few people do.But it has so much value.
Test the email.
Especially if you have a large group and you are sending in pieces.
See what gets more opens.
We could have tried all the examples in this email and seen which ones got the email marketing piece opened more often.
6. Offer Value
Why should I read this email?
What is in it that is of concern to me?
The keys you need to grow your company.
3 New Ways to do this.
Look what you just got.
Your Emails Will Get Opened More Often If You Follow These 7 Tips.
7. Know your readers needs
No one knows them like you do.
So, why don’t you use that to put the right subject together?
What is important to them?
What do they care about?
Want More People to Open Your Email Marketing Pieces – Try These 7 Tips.
What is next?
Are you ready to learn more?
Connect with me.

At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build their business through effective and better email marketing programs that make it easier for people to do more business with them.

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