The Pieces of a Digital Marketing Strategy

The Pieces of a Digital Marketing Strategy

When you start talking Digital Marketing Strategy, there are certain areas on which to focus.

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Area 1: Paid Advertising

This can contain any of the following:
PPC (Pay per click)
Facebook advertising
Instagram ads
Twitter Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Any other social media ads.
So, you need a paid search strategy as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.

Area 2: Social Media Strategy
You need to ask these questions:
What is your social media strategy?
Which platforms are best for you?
Which platforms are your customers using most?
Which are the right platforms for you?
So, you need a Social Media Strategy as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.
Area 3: Email Marketing Strategy
How are you going to use email?
How often will you email?
To what list(s) will you email.
What is the content going to look like?
Who can create effective content?
So, you need an Email Marketing and content development strategy as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.
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Area 4: Organic Search Strategy

How do people find you without paid advertising?
How do people find companies that do what you do through organic search?
How are you listed in all those listing services and search engines.
So, you need an Organic Search Strategy as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.

Four Pieces of Digital Marketing Working Together

As you can see from the above you need to look at all four of these areas.
Each piece can be divided down into additional pieces.
Each piece effects your overall success.

As I emphasized in an earlier article, strategy first, then the tactics to make it happen.

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