Digital Marketing is More Important Than Ever During COVID 19

Digital Marketing is More Important Than Ever During COVID 19
Digital Marketing

Important Questions

Do you have a Digital Marketing Strategy? With COVID 19, many of the traditional ways of advertising (through events/social gatherings) and promotions will be affected. Having a solid Digital Marketing Strategy is extremely important now.

Do you have a Social Media Strategy to guide your customers during COVID 19?

Do you know a Mobile App can help your business weather the storm?


Social Media Strategy
How are you integrating Social Media into your Digital Marketing plan and using it to keep your business going during social isolation?
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According to a recent survey of CMOs, Social Media ranks at the top for Digital Marketing efforts, going forward.
If I ask you which platform(s) you are using and how you are using them, what would your answer be? Are you communicating with your customers? Are you responding to their questions? With social isolation, it is more important than ever to keep the lines of communications open.


Facebook? – Facebook it is a major player with over 2 billion users andcan achieve detailed targeting for your message. This is more important than ever with COVID 19.

LinkedIn? – This allows you to communicate with professionals who can and will influence your business.

Snapchat? – Instagram? – Twitter? Pinterest? – All of the Social Media Accounts can be uses to communicate directly with your customers. If you do not have these accounts, post on them regularly and respond to those who comment, you could be losing more business than ever.

How are you using each of these tools?
Why are you using the one’s you are using?
How effective are they?
What is your strategy going forward using these tools?
What are your expectations?

If you are not using Social Media as part of your Digital Marketing strategy , especially now, or if you are not using it as effectively as you could be, then perhaps we should talk?

How important is Social Media and using it to the maximum?

As you can see, Social Media is going to be extremely important. If you are not comfortable or you do not have the experience and expertise – then get some help? It will totally pay for itself going forward.

Get started today

Reach out and talk with us. See how we can help you with this and how we can help you integrate Social Media into your entire Digital Marketing process.
But whatever you do, get started today.
Hesitation and procrastination will hold you back.
Social media is a key tool in the world of Digital Marketing.
Let MetaSense Marketing help you develop your Digital Marketing and Social Media strategy.


Mobile Apps

During this distressing time, we all must think creatively to keep our businesses afloat. A Mobile App can do wonders for your business and help you think outside-the-box.

Are you building an award-winning mobile app that your customers will use? Is the app helpful enough to your customers that it won’t be deleted if space gets low?

Today, let’s look at what you can do to be successful and avoid getting into problems.

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8 Tips for Developing the Best Mobile App
1. Limit the Functionality
Simple is better.
Use the KISS theory – Keep It Simple Simon.
It doesn’t have to do everything, just what is most important to your customer and maybe what can make life simpler for you.
2. Let people know you have a Mobile App.
In fact, let them know you are putting one together and ask for their input.
Promote it in your business.
Get it in front of your customer long before releasing it.
Get them to be as excited as you are.
3. Know what your audience needs.
Would they use a Mobile App to access your services if you had one?
What problem does it solve?
How will they use it?
4. Make sure the Mobile App works on Android and iOS
On the iPhone and the iPad.
Make sure it works on each platform the way the platform operates.
5. Make sure the mobile app is intuitive
Never allow your user to struggle.
Make sure it takes almost no time to enter the needed data into the mobile app.
Make sure it is simple to figure out and simple to use.
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6. Make sure you test the mobile app
All software has bugs.
There is no way around it.
But a simple bug is not a major problem.
Test it and make sure it works – let the user test it.
7. Launch it at an event.
Make it a big deal.
Promote your new Mobile App. Make sure all your customers know about it.
8. Keep improving your Mobile App
Keep it user-friendly. It has to help your customer and make it easier to do business with you remotely.
As you learn, make it better.
Make it easier to use – more user-friendly.
Listen and capture what your customers want.


There you have it. 8 simple ways you can make sure the Mobile App you develop helps your customers to do more business with you. Your Mobile App should make everything easier.

If you need some help?
What is next?
Are you ready to learn more?
Connect with me.

These are difficult times and we are here to help your business succeed!

At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Mobile Apps that makes it easier for people to do more business with them.

Designing, building and implementing Award-Winning Digital Marketing Strategies.

Contact me directly at 856 873 9950 x 130
Or via email at:
Check out our web page, get on our list, and learn more about Digital Marketing and how MetaSense Marketing can help.


Choosing a company that specializes in Social Media and Digital Marketing can help in all these areas.

MetaSense Marketing stands above the crowd with SEO with their patented process iMetaDexTM. They are the only Digital Marketing company that can use this revolutionary tool to maximize your placement in searches and lower your PPC costs by up to 500%.
MetaSense Marketing looks at your company and current marketing efforts and we know how to optimize it all.
Is there a marketing area that may need some attention?
We look for ways to provide the help our clients need in order to reach their goals and to succeed. MetaSense Marketing can help in all the areas listed above.
And a consultation to begin the conversation costs nothing.
MetaSense Marketing is here for that very that very purpose….

To answer your questions and make you successful.
At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.
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Get in touch with us!

Designing, building and implementing Award-Winning Digital Marketing Strategies.

Contact me directly at 856 873 9950 x 130
Or via email at:

Check out our web page, get on our list, and learn more about Digital Marketing and how MetaSense Marketing can help.

Why MetaSense Marketing?

For more information and to schedule an appointment, CLICK HERE.

MetaSense Marketing Management Inc.
866-875-META (6382)

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