Email marketing is not dead regardless of what many people are trying to tell you today.
I hear it all the time, yet each day there are more emails going out from more organizations than every before.““
Today I wanted to share with you some very interesting information that might just lead you to think about doing more email and not less.
I can assure you that email marketing is alive and doing great.
1) According to McKinsey & Company, email marketing remains the second biggest way to acquire new customers, after organic search.
So combined with organic search you will be able to reach great numbers.
2) A majority of people, 77% still prefer email communications. What better way to reach your base than the way they prefer?
3) Chief Marketer says the ROI of email marketing is 28.5% better than for direct mail.
4) When you build an email list, you own it.
It is actually an asset.
And a very valuable asset at that.
Your email list is the people who you could do business with and people you are doing business with and people you could do more business with.
5) 81% of US online shoppers are more likely to make additional purchases, either online or in a store, as a result of emails based on previous shopping behaviors and preferences. – Harris Interactive
6) 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning. (Source: Customer Intelligence
So is that the best time for your email to arrive?
Good question.
7) The rate of conversion is higher for email marketing, and the amount of conversion per individual is also the highest.
88% of marketers say email marketing is bringing them a positive ROI.
That rate varies but many say for every dollar spent they get $38-$44 dollars in back.
Convinced that you should build up your email program even more?
What is next?
Are you ready to learn more?
Connect with me.
At MetaSense Marketing – we help our customers to build their business through effective and better email marketing programs that make it easier for people to do more business with them.
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