Will Your Marketing Strategy Work in 2020?

How much are you investing in marketing these days?
How much do you plan to invest in 2020?

Do you know?
You must consider all the things that make up your marketing investment. You might just be surprised by the number. Many people that we work with are.

As Marketing Consultants, we are always asking our prospects – How much time and money did they invest in marketing last year, what methods did you use and what were the results?

This is the key number to any organization. What are you investing, where are you investing and how much business was generated?

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Marketing Investment

We spend money on marketing to generate business!

If we generate the right amount of business, then we are happy and have no problem.
If we don’t – well, we know that answer.

Don’t believe that marketing can be measured?

If it cannot be measured, then how can you decide whether it is a good investment or not.
If anyone is telling you marketing cannot be measured, clear them out.
Today, measurement is a key factor in understanding your marketing expenses and assuring you are investing in areas that increase your top line.

You first need to know where your time and money is going.

So, here are some of the investments to consider when looking at your marketing spending in total. This is not a complete list, but it will give you a good idea.

Tradeshows – complete cost
Networking – complete cost
Facebook advertising
Logo Design
Direct Marketing
Content Writing
Yellow Pages
Clothing with Logos
Business cards
Association Memberships

The list goes on.
What we find is that most people have no real idea what they are spending.
Nor do most of them have a way to measure the results.
It is so important for you to understand if your marketing is working for you or not.

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There are other factors to consider in the marketing equation.

Are you tracking every lead you get?
Where is it from?
What happened to the lead?
Did it close?
Was it a qualified lead?
How much revenue did you generate this year from the leads you closed?

How many leads did you close out of the ones that came in? Yes, there are many factors that go into creating a successful marketing program.
Both digital and other.

In 2020 it is imperative to understand your marketing investment and the results you are getting. We at here at MetaSense Marketing are driven to help you develop a solid Marketing Strategy with trackable results.

Please take some time to speak with us to help you understand what you can do in 2020 to assure the Return on your Investment is exceptional.

To get you started, here are two downloadable processes.

MetaSense Marketing’s Free 7-piece guide to Digital Marketing Strategy.
10 Reasons to use SEO

We look forward to helping you generate more business.
After all – that is why we do all this marketing.

Choosing a company that specializes in Digital Marketing can help in all these areas.
MetaSense Marketing stands above the crowd with SEO with their patent-pending process iMetaDexTM. They are the only Digital Marketing company that can use this revolutionary tool to maximize your placement in searches and lower your PPC costs by up to 500%.

MetaSense Marketing looks at your company and current marketing efforts and we know how to optimize it all.
Is there a marketing area that may need some attention?

We look for ways to provide the help our clients need in order to reach their goals and to succeed. MetaSense Marketing can help in all the areas listed above.

And a consultation to begin the conversation costs nothing.
MetaSense Marketing is here for that very that very purpose….

To answer your questions and make you successful.
At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.
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Get in touch with us!

Designing, building and implementing Award-Winning Digital Marketing Strategies.
Contact me directly at 856 873 9950 x 130
Or via email at: Manny@MetaSenseMarketing.com

Check out our web page, get on our list, and learn more about Digital Marketing and how MetaSense Marketing can help.

MetaSense Marketing Management Inc.
866-875-META (6382)

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