What is Artificial Intelligence?
1. Narrow AI is known as Weak AI. This type of AI is known to be limited and completes a single task efficiently.
o Examples of Narrow AI: Google search, Siri, Alexa, IBM’s Watson, Image recognition software.
2. Artificial General Intelligence, also called AGI, is known as Strong AI. It is a stronger replica of human intelligence. It uses human intelligence toreach a decision. It is much closer to a human being’ thinking than narrow AI.
o AGI is still being researched. Researchers are working hard to make further breakthroughs with AGI.
- Siri not only completes tasks and finds things for you from the web, it also has Machine Learning technology which makes the assistant brighter and become more adaptive to the use
- Tesla also uses Artificial Intelligence. It can make predictions and it comes with self-driving features. Tesla is making their cars better using AI to adapt to their driver’s needs.
- Netflix also uses technology that aids in predictions. It learns the taste in movies and tv shows by analyzing customer’s reactions. It then proceeds to display movies and tv shows based on what they learned about the user. It makes finding a movie or tv show you will like on Netflix easier.
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