Should MSPs use digital marketing?

Should MSPs use digital marketing?

The question of where to start when it comes to digital marketing can be a daunting question to many companies. But the advantage and return of investment digital marketing tools can bring to a company cannot be ignored. Managed Service Providers, popularly known as MSPs are experts that serve IT infrastructure and security as third parties to companies who desire to outsource these functions to reduce costs. Most small MSPs are content with getting business through word of mouth and the rest don’t quite know the advantages digital marketing can get them. It is a massive set of tools that can increase traffic on the website and eventually the sales. Here are a few reasons why MSPs should be using digital marketing.

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1. Lack of expansion

It is very common for MSPs to fall into a self fulfilling loop of business with its existing number of clients. Eventually these leads could dry up or stop business as the MSPs lose their competitive edge over time without introducing new elements, for example, updated cyber security or increase in budget. Investing in digital marketing can help attract more clients and expand the business. This encourages the MSPs to create more competitive tools.

2. It is a very populated and competitive market

It is no surprise that the MSP market is very crowded and populated. Last year, MSPs brought in a projected $42 billion in revenue. Organizations with varied sizes that are startups to multinational organizations have popped up that provide IT solutions. There are hundreds or even thousands of startups popping up every year to meet the IT needs of various organizations. More competition means MSPs must try and always be on the edge of introducing new technologies, tools and efficient Marketing. Thus, investing in digital marketing will provide the opportunity to market company profiles and services better with greater return on investment.

3. Differentiation is important

This is in continuance of the previous point about how MSPs need to create a value proposition for themselves among a sea of providers. Digital marketing can be a useful tool in reaching target audiences with unique selling propositions.

4. Knowing what to promote

Digital marketing offers a valuable resource of knowing what to promote and to whom. MSPs offer a myriad of services but, identifying what business needs which of those services and hitting the client when they are the most likely to buy the service.

Using digital marketing strategies is taking small manageable pieces out of the bigger pie that will maximize efforts towards reaching the target audience. It helps in optimizing search options among various other tools to increase traffic on the website and logistically. Following are the few strategies used in digital marketing that could thoroughly help the MSP industry market.

1. Region specific problem specific keyword and Search Optimization (SEO) for MSPs
SEOs is the most important tool in the digital marketing toolkit. SEOs optimize a searcher’s web browsing results by increasing its visibility. This search optimization in turn augments the website traffic and hence gets more leads and clients. SEOs can help find more region specific keywords or more problem-solution focused keywords that would increase more traffic. For example, the need for cloud storage is more in bigger companies and hence SEOs can help in targeting their searches in that direction.

2. Social Media Marketing and Website Management.
Another tool that digital marketers can help MSPs is by creating meaningful content that describes the services and market it on all the socials of the company. These will also increase website traffic as targeted audiences are shown these services through socials and they could click on the company profile to show their interest. The second side of the same coin is improving the website of the company. Digital marketing will help you make a creative and interactive website that has a direct impact on the sales on the company.

3. Reputation Management
Reputation management in digital marketing will help MSP’s monitoring and improving how your business is viewed online. It means looking and analyzing what a potential customer, reporter, or partner will discover about your brand, your people, or your product/service when they perform a service search.

4. Analytics tracking
The last but not the least is that digital marketing will help in tracking numbers for the MSP’s. Numbers include anything ranging from potential customers internet searching habits, user behavior, customer loyalty, conversion behavior etc. These numbers guide the MSPs in identifying potentially lacking areas of improvement and eventually improve sales.

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