Marketing Is Evolving!

Marketing Is Evolving!

If you would have said to me in 2010 that Internet Marketing would be in the forefront of the industry in five years, I would have laughed at you. But it seems the student has outgrown the teacher. Internet Marketing is steadily becoming more relevant than physical advertising. For years Internet Marketing got the crumbs. But the real money always went to the big, traditional agencies.

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Well I can safely say it’s a new day and Internet Marketing is growing furiously and forever. Brands have been steadily shifting their marketing budgets to our side of the table. This change is causing huge amounts of chaos in our industry. If you think I’m just talking, I will let the facts speak for themselves.

  1. By the end of 2016, brands spent more on mobile advertising than desktop.
  2. By 2018, they spent $32b on marketing technologies.
  3. By 2019, they’ll spent more on digital than broadcast in the US.
  4. According to Gartner, Digital Marketing is now the #1 priority for CEOs of technology-enabled businesses for the next five years.

We know we must make content that’s original, timely and relevant enough for people to share. And it has to sell too. I would have to say the biggest barrier is that your content has major competition. All of us have got to deal with entertainment companies and every other brand out there. The Internet has uncovered a wealth of quirky, hidden talent.

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These changes are evolving the industry at a rapid rate. Digital and traditional marketing have seemed to have merged, and in return that has activated many things to change on both sides. The one-stop shop experience is almost expected of Digital agencies, and advertisers that handle TV networks. And other physical forms of marketing are now demanding that broadcast ads target households individually. There has also been a huge shift to mobile. Everyone spends more time on their mobile devices than anything else. But mobile still remains the best platform for brands.

Did You Know?
58% of users say that ads interrupt the experience, and some studies have shown that on small screens, 49% of clicks are accidental. That’s not very good but I’m confident that marketing will come up with an answer for this problem soon.
Admittedly there is some trouble evenly marketing through all plains.But that will get better in time and with the proper testing. The best thing I can say is, “It’s great and crazy time to be in Digital Marketing. A lot of times we have been put on the back of the to-do list and have spent a long time waiting for our shot. We have been given a great chance to shine, to all Digital Marketers everywhere, it’s time to show the world what you can do!”
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