How to Get Your Website to Stand Out During Covid19

How to Get Your Website to Stand Out During Covid19

Covid 19 has had a profound effect on most businesses. Social distancing has caused many businesses to turn to online business models in order to survive. Conversations are moving across social media like never before. How do you compete to have your voice heard so your business can stand out? Navigating all of the marketing channels is a full-time job. Not everyone has a marketing department or designated person. So, here are a few tips to keep your marketing moving forward this year by helping your website stand out.

Ways to Get Noticed

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Make sure you have a responsive and mobile-friendly website

How long has it been since your site has been updated and refreshed? Customers will judge your company & website in the blink of an eye. That is literally how long it takes for people to land on your page and either decide to stay or bounce off to find something else. Since most people are going to websites on their mobile devices your website needs to be optimized. This means that all the functions and site features that are available on a desktop are also available when it is accessed on a mobile phone. You have to be able to be were the people are during Covid 19 and that is on their phones. This is not a simple process. The more features on your website, the more difficult it is to make your site transition seamlessly to a mobile devise. But it is an extremely important step during these difficult times.

Local Listings

Businesses need to be found, physically. If your business is listed anywhere with an incorrect business name, address, or phone number, it could result in lost sales. When companies originally set up their listings, it was not always all at once and sometimes more than one person created the listing. That may have led to listing mistakes. Xtreme Listing can help with that by correcting name, address & phone number for 65+ search engines…all that feed into the major players like Google & Bing. During Covid 19, being listed properly will assure customers get the right information the first time.


Companies are realizing that their customers like to learn. We go to the internet or use digital assistants to answer all types of questions. Customers ask question using voice search like Bixby, Alexa and Siri as well as using simple Google Search. Creating blogs that answer these questions drives customers to your website. You can become the trusted expert customers turn to. Wouldn’t your company want to be the expert, so those questions would come directly to you? 500 words of rich content a week will strengthen your website. And if you reference other websites that give more information on the topic, you can build backlinks. All of this will help drive your website towards the top of the search.

Addressing issues that customers are facing during Covid 19 in regard to your industry, can also help. There are so many questions these days. Having solid content that is specific to safety, availability, and helpful tips, will be so beneficial to your customer.

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SEO- iMetaDexTM

Search Engine Optimization is the most complex to implement because it is not a one-shot fix. SEO is a methodical process that takes time to see results and to drive more audience to your website. No one can guarantee that you will rank top on the first page of Google. But everyone wants to be on the first page of Google. MetaSense Marketing stands alone with SEO because they have developed an amazing patented tool for SEO called iMetaDexTM. They are the only Digital Marketing company that has this revolutionary tool that is used to help clients move steadily in the ranking while decreasing PPC costs substantially. This can have a significant effect on your marketing ROI. What is important with SEO is that your website will be seen by more people and then your company can convert them to sales.

Social Media

Social Media is king. There are so many popular platforms like Facebook and Twitter where you can engage with your customers. And more and more people are turning to image or video-based social media platforms such as YouTube, Snap Chat, and Instagram. LinkedIn is also extremely popular in the professional community. The trick with social media is to not just be the company but be a relatable person who can answer questions and help the customer. These are fantastic avenues to reach out to customers, person to person. They are also great platforms to educate your customer and establish your company as an industry leader. And, of course, social media is a great platform to express your creativity.

Social Media should always be connected through your website. All posts should have a link to your blogs or content on your website. Social Media will drive the customer to your website. Once there, you can have a website that drives the customer through the purchase funnel.

During Covid 19, Social Media can be a powerful tool to learn the changing concerns of your customers. You can immediately address these concerns while also adjusting your business model to adapt to the changes resulting from Covid 19.

These are just some of the tips to help your business’s website to stand out during Covid 19. Choosing a company that specializes in these Digital Marketing techniques can help.


Reach out and talk with us. See how we can help you with these and your entire Digital Marketing process.
But whatever you do, get started today.
Hesitation and procrastination will hold you back.
Let MetaSense Marketing help you develop your Digital Marketing Strategy today.

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MetaSense Marketing stands above the crowd with SEO with their patent process iMetaDexTM. They are the only Digital Marketing company that can use this revolutionary tool to maximize your placement in searches and lower your PPC costs by up to 500%.

MetaSense Marketing looks at your company and current marketing efforts and we know how to optimize it all.

Is there a marketing area that may need some attention?

We look for ways to provide the help our clients need in order to reach their goals and to succeed. MetaSense Marketing can help in all the areas listed above.

And a consultation to begin the conversation costs nothing.


MetaSense Marketing is here for that very that very purpose….

To answer your questions and make you successful.

At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.

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