Can A Mobile App Help Your Business?
We might have Pandora to help us find and listen to music.
We could have Kindle so we can read books.
We might have Fitbit so we can track our health.
But apps are going crazy and today there is even more.
I have an app from my favorite places to eat.I have an app from my favorite theater.I have an app from the stores I shop.
Apps are growing exponentially, and you need to think about how an app just might be the right solution for your sales and marketing process.
Let’s look at 3 simple ways to start with today.
2) Your icon shows up when they look at their phone.
3) They click on it to see your information.
2) Any special events?
3) Can they save some money?
4) You are top-of-mind with them.
C) New products
D) New research
E) You can be in front of them with something different every time they open the app.
F) You can ask them questions and they will usually answer.
G) These are people who like your business.
H) These are the people who use what you sell.
I) They are open to new offerings..
J) They can be turned into buyers, larger buyers and/or more frequent buyers.
You know what they have ordered in the past and thus you can put together some custom offerings going forward.
2) You can create contests.
3) You can have limited specials.
4) They can communicate directly with you, good or bad.
5) They can order.
6) They can reorder.
7) They can…..The sky is the limit.
What is holding you back?
We have some great standard apps available for you right now.
Stop holding back.
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866-875-META (6382)