A Solid Social Media Marketing Campaign, A “Must Have” Today

A Solid Social Media Marketing Campaign, A “Must Have” Today

In today’s marketplace, it is crucial to maintain a clear understanding of what the customers want. Social Media has exploded in popularity, allowing people from across the globe to:

Instantaneously share their thoughts.

There are dozens of these sites, each with their own niche customer base. Facebook remains the largest with reportedly 2.41 billion users (66% log in daily). Twitter has 330 million active users daily.

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This interconnected system is a double-edged sword that provides both positives and negatives to the world of marketing. Years ago, businesses had to rely on print and broadcast media to attract new leads. But now thanks to Social Media, new customers can be reached with a few clicks of a button.

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When utilizing Social Media Marketing, one must use precision. Overexposure my lead to your business appearing as some clickbait spam ad. Carefully advertising your company on Facebook, especially to the correct target market, will allow a larger scope of potential customers to take notice.

Twitter tends to lean more towards the younger generation. The type of business you runwill determine what Social Media platform you want to use. Demographics play a huge role in marketing your product to your target customers.

The benefits of Social Media Marketing are hard to dispute. According to Smallbiztrends.com, 44 percent of local businesses depend on Social Media for brand awareness and 41 percent to drive revenue.90 percent of marketers claimed that Social Media Marketing was vital for their business operations, with 75% of them indicating it increased traffic to their websites. The chance to convert more people to customers is also shown to be probable, with a 100% lead-to-closerate as opposed to standard marketing.

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Weighing in the pros and cons, businesses would be wise to utilize Social Media Marketing to increase profits and brand awareness. In today’s marketplace, those who don’t adapt to the technological climate, face the chance that they will be left behind. And with networking sites popularity and new ones coming out, it appears Social Media Marketing isn’t going away anytime soon.

At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Social Media Campaignsthat makeit easier for people to do more business with them.

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