5 SEO Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Bottom Line

5 SEO Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Bottom Line

If you are jumping into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it can be easy to become overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information you have at your disposal. Because of this, it is easy to make some common mistakes that will keep you from noticing optimal results and hurt your bottom line. The world of Digital Marketing is complex, so here are some simple SEO mistakes to avoid.

5 Mistakes

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1. Not checking on your conversion

Yes, you are investing in multiple Search Engine Optimization techniques in order to boost your visibility on search engines. But if you are not converting customers, then is the investment worth it? Using analytics to check on your conversion rates is crucial so you can determine if your Digital Marketing strategies are working for you.

2. Not optimizing for local SEO

Chances are, you are running a business that is meant for consumers in a specific geographic location. In doing this, it is important to concentrate your efforts on local SEO to appeal to potential customers in the area you are targeting. Simply using geo-specific keywords and putting your address and phone number on your website can go a long way.

3. Not using effective content creation

Content creation represents the second-largest share of Digital Marketing budget nationwide. Simply putting keywords on your website will not work with Google’s algorithms, and it will not impress potential customers when they click on your page. You will want to think of the impression your content will make on your clients, as generic content will not pack a punch. The entire goal is to have your content spark interest in your customers. So quality creative content is key.

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4. Not investing in responsive web design

Everyone is attached to their mobile devices nowadays. So, not investing in responsive web design is a mistake. Responsive web design assures that what you see on your website is easily seen when accessing it on your mobile phone. Your clients will quickly leave your website if it is not optimized for mobile use.So, make their customer experience memorable by using a responsive platform.

5. Not doing extensive keyword research

You will want to invest in a Marketing Agency that specializes in Search Engine Optimization to do extensive keyword research. The experienced agency will assure you will rank on the keywords that are meaningful to your business. Focusing on general keywords won’t give you the results you need. So, try to use the most specific keywords possible.

Choosing a company that specializes in Digital Marketing can help in all these areas.
MetaSense Marketing stands above the crowd with SEO with their patent-pending process iMetaDex™. They are the only Digital Marketing company that can use this revolutionary tool to maximize your placement in searches and lower your PPC costs by up to 500%.

MetaSense Marketing looks at your company and current marketing efforts and we know how to optimize it all.
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We look for ways to provide the help our clients need in order to reach their goals and to succeed. MetaSense Marketing can help in all the areas listed above.

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At MetaSense Marketing, we help our customers build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.
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