Ten Ways To Beat The Googles Algorithm

10 Ways To Beat The Googles Algorithm

As you are probably aware, Google’s Search engines ranking algorithm is constantly updated. A better search experience will be provided to users by improving the search engine’s performance. If you’re wondering why, so it can offer better search results. Although it sounds great, it can also be a headache for digital marketers, SEO professionals, and website owners. As a result, all of their updates affect the rankings of their Ranked sites, negatively affecting their traffic and quality content.

With our experience in SEO, we know how frustrating it can be to keep up with Google’s latest search algorithm updates for quality content. Imagine ranking on the first page one day and finding yourself on page three the next. Sounds demoralizing, doesn’t it?

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Do not give up just yet, though. It is possible to beat Google’s algorithm and maintain a solid Ranked site. Would you be surprised to learn that there is an actual cheat sheet for that?

It’s all about that in this article. However, before we get into these life-saving tips, let’s take a quick look at Google’s ranking factors, or at least those we know of.

  • ‍‍A website should be designed to be easy to use, navigate, and Mobile friendly.
  • Relevance of content: Users should find your content helpful and valuable. Keywords should be used appropriately.‍
  • The loading speed of the page dramatically impacts the user experience. Google ranking suffers when the user experience is poor.‍
  • Google automatically sees sites with a high bounce rate and few return visitors as having low quality. ‍
  • You can tell Google that you deserve a high ranking by linking to informative and relevant content and proper keyword stuffing. ‍
  • Google always favors websites with SSL certificates because they are considered more trust worthy.
  • ‍‍Optimizing your website for mobile devices is essential for ranking since Google uses your site’s mobile version for ranking and indexing.

What are the 10 ways to beat the googles algorithm

What are the 10 ways to beat the googles algorithm

1. Discern Link Studs vs. Link Duds

There is a change in the game of inbound marketing. Google becomes more adept at determining which By links generate traffic versus those that don’t. However, Google is starting to care less about how many links you have to your Web page. Although if users aren’t clicking on them, they aren’t helpful. They will no longer be considered when ranking your site. As a result, you’ll need to be more selective about where and how you build your links going forward. We must engage with reputable, relevant platforms with large audiences to achieve this.

2. Optimize for Mobile

Since we are still in the early stages of the Google algorithm mobile-friendly rollout, it is possible to make changes before your ranking suffers. If your site is not yet mobile-friendly, companies must make sure their sites are responsive. This means they automatically and seamlessly adjust their layout, links, and text size. Whenever a site is viewed on a mobile device. Google not only incorporates mobile-friendliness into its ranking algorithm. It also displays a “mobile-friendly” tag beneath relevant results, significantly affecting which sites users visit.

3. Diversify Digital Marketing Strategies

It will be crucial for companies to keep pace with the expansion and diversification of digital marketing. Those companies allocate time to all digital marketing strategies. However, merely perfecting their most important ones will have a successful online presence by Search query. In other words, a company may have an excellent desktop website. However, if they do not engage in mobile, local, and social marketing. Then they will soon miss out on valuable growth opportunities. Diverse digital marketing also ensures that if one strategy changes, firms will have other strategies to continue their marketing efforts while adapting.

4. Generate Online PR & Media Pitches

Companies seeking to stay competitive have increasingly turned to online newsrooms as a great Seo strategy. Companies can build inbound links and generate buzz by sending press releases and media pitches. Ensure you place the resulting links on your website in an “In the News” or “Media” section after receiving a mention in the press. The online news section also provides an easy way to publish fresh content regularly. Make it easy for visitors to learn more about your company, its expertise, and recent accomplishments before purchasing.

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5. Clean up your Links

How would you describe your Link building or backlink portfolio? It’s time to clean up your links if they are toxic, spammy, or the result of a negative SEO campaign, an unfortunate black hat trick that’s becoming more common. If you do not want to receive a penalty from Google because of an unnatural link, use Google Webmaster Tools to identify and categorize the links. Use programs like URL Profiler or remove them to contact the owners of the sites that host these links and document your efforts along the way.

6. Find an Alternative to Google AdWords

Due to the competitive nature of keyword bidding, Google AdWords has become increasingly expensive as a primary way companies arrange for targeted pay-per-click advertising. There are alternative platforms that are often more efficient and less expensive. A niche site specific to your brand’s product or service can help cut advertising costs and broaden your audience reach through platforms like Flipboard, Stumble Upon, or any other platform.

7. Focus on Authoritative Content

Describe characteristics of quality, authoritative content. According to some experts, authoritative content is the most crucial factor in increasing and sustaining online traffic. Businesses must produce original, regularly distributed content. Besides being well-written, the content should be newsworthy, tailored to a company’s target audience, and demonstrate that the company offers critical insights into its industry.

8. Pay Attention to YouTube

Pay Attention to YouTube

Many predict that YouTube will soon become the most significant search engines in the world, and many companies are taking advantage of the opportunity to expand their social media presence. There’s no doubt that YouTube will soon become a key component of SEO, which is why you should begin investing in YouTube today. A video highlight of a specific product or service might be an excellent way to engage audiences. Making the video available to your audience will only improve their online experience since the video has already proved to be a popular form of content.

9. Prioritize User Experience (UX)

Companies should prioritize improving user experience (UX) to build a successful digital marketing strategy. Google has been incredibly transparent about its desire to improve user experience. So companies would do well to not only become mobile-friendly and offer quality content. But also to become proactive in finding new ways to improve the user experience. Are there any ways to improve navigation? Can the search function or the speed of the site be improved? Adding more high-quality external links to your site may be helpful and relevant. Adding such links will pay off in the long run.

10. Build your Brand with an Integrated Approach

A successful digital marketing strategy will abandon siloed tactics and instead seamlessly integrates everything from content and social media marketing to lead generation and public relations. The search giant consistently prefers quality sites to those that generate a lot of traffic or contain a lot of keywords. For a brand to be intelligent, it must strive to ensure long-term sustainability through an integrated approach that establishes cohesion across platforms.

What will you do to stay ahead of Google? Make sure your company maintains its competitive edge with the insight and expertise of WebiMax SEO and Digital Marketing professionals. Contact us today to learn more.

How Can MetaSense Marketing Help You Fulfill Your Online Goals?

MetaSense Marketing Digital Resources provides everything you need for everything digital – from mobile optimization to responsive web design to quality content authority backlinks.

Whenever Google algorithm updates, we’ll be there to help you outsmart it! We look forward to helping you grow your business even further! Please contact us now to find out more about our services!

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