Balancing Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing


What are the differences between traditional marketing and Digital Marketing? That’s a great question! Traditional marketing is a form of marketing that happens outside of the internet such as broadcasts, direct mail, telemarketing, fliers and much more. Digital Marketing is a form of marketing that is done on the internet such as SEO, SEM and PPC, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, websites, and more.
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What is More Effective?

For today’s generation the internet plays an immense role. The effective points of Digital Marketing that businesses like to focus on are websites, emails and social media. All of this can get more exposure at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. Therefore, digital marketing is way more effective than traditional marketing.

The Importance of Balancing Both Sides

Despite the huge popularity of Digital Marketing not everyone uses every part of the internet. When balancing Digital Marketing and traditional marketing you will see your business grow in status and name recognition. This helps customers to trust you. This, in turn, will give you growth inloyal customers! When working with Digital Marketing, your focus is more on attracting attention from a targeted audience and using social media to convert them into a loyal customer. However, traditional marketing requires you to focus on sending out your message to as many people as possible. This includes those who are not your target customer. However, it is harder to ignore a traditional marketing message that is being given to you face-to-face. Hence, traditional marketing should still be considered as part of your overall marketing plan.
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Traditional Marketing Advantages

  • You can convey your message to individuals face to face, which is harder to ignore.
  • You can personally answer questions that might need clarification. However, this can be done using Digital Marketing’s Social Media.
  • Based on your behavior and professionalism, you can leave a good impression on an individual.
  • You can create strong relationships with customers.

Digital Marketing Advantages

  • There are numerous platforms you can use to attract attention from customers such as emails, social media, websites, ads, and more.
  • You can convey your message to a bigger, targeted audience.
  • Many social media platforms have become very popular such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat which your business can use to your advantage. You can use this to connect and interact with your customer.
  • You can create strong relationships with customers.
  • You can easily get feedback from customers so you can improve your business based on your customers’ needs.
  • Easily provide customer service to long distance customers.
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