MetaSense has a challenge for all area business owners and local community leaders: Let’s step up our game and do something to help end Alzheimer’s!

What We Have Planned
We’ve put together a special promotion for the next two months. MetaSense wants to raise $1,000.00 for the Alzheimer’s Association, and we want to do so by helping every interested area business know how strong a presence they have online. It’s the perfect combination, MetaSense does what it does best – digital marketing and insight into how the internet works – and each interested party can make a small donation to the Alzheimer’s association to raise funds for their worthy cause.

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How it Works
It’s a very simple process. You go to our form, and fill it out. You give us your contact information, and most importantly your URL. And you click donate. You make a donation of $25.00, which then goes to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Then the fun begins! We take your URL and analyze it. We measure it against 5 different sectors of the digital marketing landscape. This goes way beyond just trying to figure out if your homepage loads fast or if your website has proper page titles and page descriptions. The overall theme of the report: Is Your Business Market Friendly?

That’s the whole umbrella, the full 360 degrees of a digital marketing landscape and MetaSense is unique in the industry because we provide services throughout that landscape. Our analysis is thorough but it’s easier for our team to make this report because we are not a hyper-focused niche business. So many times you meet a web developer that only makes websites, but can’t do SEO. You then meet someone who will manage your Pay-per-Click advertising, but won’t help you with your Facebook account. And so on and so forth. It’s scattered and disjointed. You end up having to manage three or four separate specialists, all doing their own particular thing to your business to help you with your online presence.

But at MetaSense we combine that into one focused, streamlined process that we manage for you. MetaSense grew up with the internet, evolved with digital marketing and has an entire team to cover every angle. So we’ve taken all of that talent, knowledge and experience and rolled it up into one easy to read comprehensive report card!

Broken down to its individual channels we focus on: Is your business mobile friendly? Is your business local friendly? Is your business data friendly? Is your business Google friendly? And is your business social friendly?

For each of those five channels, we delve deep into our analysis. For instance, MetaSense will run your URL through Google’s Mobile Friendly Website Testing Tool. However, even if your site comes up as Mobile Friendly, we still take the time to look at your site on mobile devices to QA your site against the actual mobile platform implementation. Another example is, while we analyze your website’s SEO specifics we also weight your domain ranking. MetaSense stays on the cutting edge of the industry and we have ensured our test reflects paradigm shifts such as Google Page Ranking being obsolete but MOZ’s domain authority being a new and far more relevant metric in today’s digital marketing world.

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How you Help
So on the one hand, you get this valuable marketing report. Absolutely free. A lot of other businesses will charge you for the time and effort it takes to generate this report. But MetaSense is already deep into the full scope of digital marketing so we are fully capable of giving you a valuable in-depth report quickly and efficiently. Take that information and use it however you see fit. By clicking the donate button, however, you take this to the next level. The small donation you provide goes to the Alzheimer’s Association. MetaSense has partnered with this group to help end Alzheimer’s. By allowing MetaSense to analyze your business’ online strength you are going to help make an impact in your community and raise money to end the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. With more than 5 million Americans living with the Alzheimer’s today, it is one of the most expensive diseases afflicting our friends and family members.In 2016 Alzheimer’s and other dementia diseases are estimated to cost more than $236 billion. This disease affects all of us personally, as one in nine people over the age of 65 have it. With lifespans increasing and the average age of our citizens increasing, projections predict that more than 13 million people will be affected by the disease by the year 2050. Every dollar donated goes toward ending this disease, providing relief for the more than 15 million friends and family members who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

MetaSense is proud to be partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association as part of Have Fun, Do Good, End Alzheimer’s initiative. So every single inquiry for a business analysis is absolutely free, and every dollar donated will go to the Alzheimer’s Association. We’re even taking it one step further: Any sales we make during the term of this promotion, MetaSense will donate a further $100 to the Alzheimer’s Association! Help us reach our goal and raise $1,000 for this cause. Help your own business by getting an in-depth digital marketing analysis. And help end this deadly disease!


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Designing, building and implementing Award-Winning Digital Marketing Strategies.

Contact me directly at 856 873 9950 x 130
Or via email at : Support@MetaSenseMarketing.com

Check out our website, get on our list, and learn more about Digital Marketing and how MetaSense Marketing can help.


For more information and to schedule an appointment, CLICK HERE.

MetaSense Marketing Management Inc.
866-875-META (6382)

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