Web Speed / 24/7 Client Service / Sales Rep with Chat Bots / AI

Web Speed / 24/7 Client Service / Sales Rep with Chat Bots / AI

Information Technology and Software Company Digital Marketing Success Strategies

For exceptional Client Service, first you need to address your website speed

Is your Company’s website fast enough?

It needs to be to be fast to not only survive but succeed. The average recommended website load time is three seconds. This average speed is now barely acceptable. Clients want instantaneous results. This must be the goal.

Website speed affects your bottom line!

We all are clients. Although new technologies have increased the speed of which we do most everything, we still want faster. Who do you want as a client? Understanding the expectations of your clients is imperative to your success. Fast is good. Faster is better. Any delays in loading your website or accessing a link will cause frustration and the client will move on.

Your Information Technology and Software Company invests in SEO, PPC and Web Design. But it means nothing unless it is fast enough to keep that client engaged.

There are many things that will affect your website speed and if you don’t address them, all your digital marketing efforts can be nullified.



Most clients use the internet to find local Information Technology and Software Companies. In 2019, almost 2 billion clients bought goods and services online. And in 2020 that number will rise substantially according to Statista.

Your Information Technology and Software Company needs to not only attract those clients, but to keep them engaged. And it only takes 3 Seconds to lose their interest and their business.

So many technologies and business practices have adapted to our human behavior of “need for instant gratification.” At the grocery store, there are now self-checkouts. And to go one step further, you can order everything online and simply pick it up or have it delivered in under 2 hours. ATMs learn our preferences and have “Quick-Cash” options. Even bloggers highlight keyword so the reader can just skim through the article and get the basic information.

“I Want it NOW!”

It is expected and no different with loading websites and clicking on links. According to the Financial Times, delayed page speed diminished the number of articles users read on the site as well as the advertiser revenue.

“The speed of the site negatively impacts a user’s session depth, no matter how small the delay. Slow sites also have a detrimental effect on the number of articles people read. Largely, the slower the site, the greater the effect. The data suggests, both in terms of user experience and financial impact, that there are clear and highly valued benefits in making the site even faster. From this research we’ve chosen to invest even more time in making every aspect of the new FT.com website even faster over the coming months.” – Financial Times

Measuring the Effects of Speed

Google developed a way to calculate how much revenue your slow website speed is stealing from you. Google’s “Test My Site,” feature under “Think with Google,” can measure how your website speed effects your bottom line with one click. It will show how increasing your speed to 3 seconds or under will increase your revenue.

Website Speed – What it Affects

Slow Website Fixes – Googles indexing won’t recognize your site or page if it does not load in time.
Social Media Shares – You may develop a fantastic social media campaign that links back to your website. Again, if there is a delay in loading your website, people disengage.
Voice Search – Using Bixby, Alexa or Siri, we want immediate answers. If you site is slow, Voice Search will not include you in the results.

Basically, your website speed will determine if your website is found and if the client stays. Both are critical to increasing your revenues.

Slow Website Causes and Fixes

Most web page load time is spent downloading the different coded aspects of the page. Images, plugins, style sheets, scripts, etc. can add loading time.

Slow Website Causes

– Compression isn’t enabled
– Slow server response time
– Too many redirects
– No cached resources
– Too many resources
– Images aren’t optimized
– CSS isn’t optimized
– Visible content isn’t prioritized
– Too much render-blocking JavaScript
– Using the synchronous version of a script
– Too many plugins
– The viewport isn’t configured, and content isn’t sized to the viewport
– Too-small font sizes
– Typography isn’t SERP-friendly

Slow Website Fixes

There are many tools to help you fix your website speed. First you can use Google Page Speed Calculator, one of many calculators available online, to determine the exact speed of your website. Then you can address the other issues like compressing images using Photoshop – Image Resizing. You then can address technical issues with something like CloudFlare.

Although there are many tools available, understanding which will work best and then using these tools takes time and a lot of Digital Marketing knowhow. A professional Digital Marketing company with expertise in Website Design and Loading speed can handle every one of these issues and help your Information Technology and Software Company succeed.

To check your website’s speed go to: Google’s Page Speed Insights. A red result means you need to address this major problem immediately. Contact us and we can help increase your website speed within hours.

Next, for timely Client Service, we need to make sure you are where your clients are. A majority of the time, those seeking services, are on their phone. More than 63% of searches in the U.S. now happen on smartphones or tablets. If not configured properly, your Information Technology and Software Company’s potential Patients will get frustrated and move on. In order to avoid this, your website must be created properly. But creating a responsive and adaptive website that will attract visitors takes time. There is a detailed process to building your website, layer by layer, to work on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

You must be sure your website is mobile-friendly, or in the digital marketing world, “responsive.” But you can go further.

Responsive and Adaptive Web Design : What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Social media sites and blogs now reach over 80% of Internet users and account for over 33% of all time spent online. However, the type of web design that those sites sport can determine how well they perform with users.

Two Strategies

Two of the most prominent web design strategies include responsive web design and adaptive web design. Despite their prominence, it can be difficult to determine the differences, and which may be best for your Digital Marketing strategy. Here is a little bit more information to help you determine which of these strategies could work best for your Company.

Responsive Web Design

A responsive web design company is one that creates websites that can stretch and rearrange themselves based on the width of the browser rendering the site. In the past, websites could determine whether a user was on a PC or a smartphone and bring up the corresponding website. Responsive designs are a result of devices like tablets coming onto the market, where a design somewhere between PC and mobile is needed.

Adaptive Web Design

The next step to the web optimization process is, the iMetaDex™ coding. The purpose of iMetaDex™ coding is to speed up the process of search engines having your Information Technology and Software Company’s site indexed. Also, it displays your listing at a higher ranking in the search results. iMetaDex is a markup language. The markup language is combined into your site. Either the J-SON or the HTML markup will be merged with the site effortlessly. After merging the website and the code, a third-party organization then analyzes the combination.

Things to Take into Consideration

Despite the merits of each of these web design services, there are a few things you should take into consideration before you pick one over the other. Responsive web design can suffer in the speed department, and often requires more in the area of coding to ensure that the site fits every medium through which it’s accessed. However, the adaptive design requires more focus on sitewide functionality, which also means more attention to detail.

In the end, the deciding factor is what type of work you’re willing to put into your website. However, the more information you have about each type of web design, the better off you’ll be deciding one way or the other.

Next, for 24/7 Client Service, we need to examine Chatbots.

It seems like everyone wants to include Chatbots into their businesses. Chatbots are an Artificial Intelligence system (AI) that can mimic a human-to-human conversation and can help increase your client service time.

You can interact with a chatbot using text or voice. Chatbots can perform tasks such as answering client questions, making service recommendations, placing an order or checking the weather. Chatbots specialize in analyzing a client’s behaviors and interests and provide recommended options for the client.

This is why many businesses are raging about chatbots. They are an amazing and effective tool that could be incorporated for many businesses. It is like an employee that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week for free. Chatbots make things much easier for workers. Despite all the benefits a chatbot has to offer, it still wouldn’t be enough to replace a human completely.

Why Chatbots?

A major reason for Chatbots being utilized by businesses is that they don’t want to create and rely on an app. There are a lot of downsides to having an app. Creating the perfect app requires a lot of time and money. After getting the app that you wanted, you now must convince clients to download the app. Persuading clients to download an app is not easy and some clients may quickly uninstall the app because of lack of space on their device. Chatbots are a great solution. Not only are they affordable, the client does not have to download anything. The Chatbot is in the website. Chatbots make it very easy for clients to get to what they want and have answers to any questions right away. Chatbots will help your Information Technology and Software Company in many ways.

Technology has taken a few steps further up the mountain with Chatbots creating different solutions for businesses. They are a desired technology because of the many benefits they have to offer. Overall, Chatbots are a powerful tool that will be used for client satisfaction.

METASENSE MARKETING: Designing, Building and Implementing Award-Winning Digital Marketing Strategies for Information Technology and Software Companies.

MetaSense Marketing looks at your company and current marketing efforts and we know how to optimize it all. We understand and know how to implement the latest trends into your website and marketing campaigns.

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At MetaSense Marketing, we help our clients build effective Digital Marketing Campaigns that make it easier for people to do more business with them.

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